As with any marriage numerous expenses are incurred. Ours happens to be somewhat compounded by a move across the world, and the reality of what expenses were going to be cropping up in the next few weeks really hit home a couple days ago. I wasn't worried; I knew the Lord would provide. But I began bringing those needs before Him more earnestly.
I knew that some of those needs would be taken care of at the lovely shower my church family threw for me on Saturday. Towels, kitchen utensils, cash, and other wonderful items were all graciously bestowed to help us as we settle in our new home. The Lord was providing. But there were other needs. How would He take care of those?
It was with utter amazement that I opened a card this evening to find a check from a completely unexpected source. I clapped my hand over my mouth when I saw the figure. I was so humbled. Within just a few hours, the Lord had already done exceeding abundantly above what I could ask or even think. I didn't need that check for a few weeks yet... but perhaps the Lord knows I have enough to do over the next month without adding that need to my already full plate.
Thank you, Lord, for Your provision.
It was with utter amazement that I opened a card this evening to find a check from a completely unexpected source. I clapped my hand over my mouth when I saw the figure. I was so humbled. Within just a few hours, the Lord had already done exceeding abundantly above what I could ask or even think. I didn't need that check for a few weeks yet... but perhaps the Lord knows I have enough to do over the next month without adding that need to my already full plate.
Thank you, Lord, for Your provision.