Monday, December 1, 2014


We generally think of this time as one in which we remember the pilgrims, thank the Lord for His blessings, and eat.  :)  This year, the meanings of those things were brought fresh to my mind.

Like the pilgrims of old, I also moved to a new home, a new county, a new hemisphere.  In fact, I took almost the exact opposite trip they did, going from west to east and by plane instead of ship.  Similarly, I have 'survived' my first year and have so very much to be thankful for.  While the pilgrims invited native Americans to their feast, I am surrounded by Romanians, who likewise have a culture, language, and customs different from those I was previously accustomed to.  But they have taken me in and welcomed me, even though I'm not one of them.  They help me and are a blessing, too.  Many of the early Americans wanted to reach the native Americans with the gospel, which is also our purpose in being in this foreign land.  How great a God we serve that we can spend a day remembering His goodness to us and thanking Him for all the ways He's blessed us.

I  neglected to take any pictures, but we spent this Thanksgiving with a few other missionary families and one Romanian friend.  We ate, laughed, played games, ate some more, and just had a nice time of fellowship together.  What a blessing to have other missionary families here with whom we can fellowship and celebrate our American Thanksgiving!

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