It is encouraging to be able to share the latest happenings with you, and know that you care and are praying for us and our work! We are all doing well, and God does work through your prayers, so please keep praying!
After putting in all the proper paperwork, we were finally able to get Marci’s Romanian birth certificate. Our next step is to find a good flight to Bucuresti to go to the Embassy there and get her American passport and report of birth abroad. Thank you for your continued prayers for safe travels, friendly and helpful people to deal with, and that all would go smoothly.
A good friend of ours, Walter Stevens, who is a Gypsy evangelist from the States, came a few weeks ago. We had special services with him, and we also had a Bible study done in the Gypsy language (Rromanes) for those in the Gypsy neighborhood who know Rromanes. Most of the Gypsies we are currently working with no longer know their language, so everything is normally done in Romanian. The Bible study done in Rromanes was a special treat, and we had a good number of unsaved people come and hear the Gospel. Afterwards, we spoke very directly to Gicu (Jee-cu) and Ion (Yone), Mariana’s unsaved husband, about their need to be saved. Unfortunately, they did not want to make a decision for Christ, so please keep praying for their salvation. After the Bible study, one of the elderly neighbors who was very sick wanted us to come. He was bedridden and could barely speak, but after having the Gospel explained to him, he said he wanted to receive Christ as his Savior. A few days later, he told us how he now has peace in his heart where there was once fear. We were rejoicing that he put his trust in Christ to save him! God took him home to heaven a little over one week later.
There have been a good number of teens coming to the teen classes at church. There have been a couple of services where they were pretty quiet and attentive. It was a very pleasant surprise! What a blessing it is to be able to actually communicate God’s truths to them! The father of one of the teen boys, Ramon, just had a heart attack and died. I’m not sure whether Ramon will stay in the area or not (I’m not sure where his mother is), but please pray that God will work in his life.
Lusi, Gina’s daughter-in-law, came recently to church again. Please pray that she will come faithfully and grow spiritually. Ion (Yone), a young man who got saved in our church years ago, came back to Romania from France for a visit. Please pray that he and his family would come back to Romania and come to church. This is their desire, but there are some details to be worked out that we know God can take care of. It has been encouraging to have him in our services while he is here.
We are grateful for your prayers for us and our Gypsies! It is a blessing to know you are behind us!
In His service,
Jonathan, Kristy, Cory, and Marci
P.S. Enjoy the picture of Cory playing his accordion, and some teens that came to our service recently.
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