Saturday, March 11, 2017

Jonathan and Kristy's update 12/7/16

„But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;” I Corinthians 1:27
The past few weeks have been eventful with ups and downs typical of Gypsy ministry. We have to rejoice during the up times, and during the down times too, knowing that God is still working!
It is difficult to get the teens to come to church, but we have had some coming recently. A few weeks ago before church, we saw Rebeca, but she didn’t come to church. Sara has been coming faithfully, and Angelo, an unsaved boy who lives across the street from the church, has come a few times too. Radu (Roddu), an unsaved boy who has only come a few times, also came a few weeks ago. Rebeca did come to one of the teen classes. She complained of being bored all the time, because all she has to do is school; and yet she hardly comes to church. Some teens aren’t very bright. :o) Please pray that these young people that are saved will live for the Lord and obey Him.
We often have a nice time of fellowship with the adults after the services. Talking about all the latest happenings in their lives, listening to their struggles, and encouraging them in their Christian walk strengthens our relationships. Normally with Gypsies, structured and planned discipleship times don’t work. Discipleship usually happens in our normal day-to-day conversations with them. Of course, we are grateful for their encouragement to us also, as they build us up in the faith. How encouraging when they grasp spiritual truths and encourage us with them!
It was great to see Adi (Oddy) and Lusi come to church the other week with their little Emanuel. Ica (Eeka) also comes now and then. Please pray for faithfulness and spiritual growth in our fellow Gypsy brothers and sisters.
We are glad to see the children coming to the services. The other week, I had to send some of the boys out for disrupting our class, but those that stayed were very good. I walked a few of the little girls home a couple times, as they were scared to go home in the dark past a big dog that often bites. That is understandable! Thankfully, we didn’t come across the dog. :o) I am often pleasantly surprised to see some of the children correctly answer questions at the end of my lessons – children who usually don’t know the answers! Praise the Lord for His Word getting into their minds! We pray His Word will reach their hearts too and change their lives.
The English classes at Casa Rafa (Roffa) have been better than ever lately. I have only been teaching one of the two groups of children at a time, and that seems to work much better than having the two groups together. It is exciting to see them learn and remember the things being taught! We’re grateful for the opportunity to get involved with these children.
Recently, we found out that we are obligated by law to fence in our property. Thankfully, this doesn’t seem to be strictly enforced for the most part, but it is something we could get in trouble for, as we only have a temporary chainlink fence on just part of our property. Please pray that the Lord would quickly provide a good fence for our property.
Thanksgiving was a wonderful day, and we have so much to be thankful for! We spent the day eating, playing games, and fellowshipping with our co-workers and two other missionary girls.
Last week, we had the pleasure of having Kristy’s mom and sister, Michelle, come from the States for a visit! We are so excited to be able to spend this time with them, and are making the most of our short time together. Please enjoy the attached picture.
We appreciate you and your prayers for us and the Lord’s work here. May God bless you as you serve Him!
In His service,
Jonathan, Kristy, and Cory

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